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Central Air Conditioning

Posted on Aug 20,2015 by Admin
Home > Articles > Central Air Conditioning
In India we enjoy each types of seasons. Some time we feel warm and some time enjoy cooling. Different times of the year we have different temperature. And according to season our home's temperature also changed. in summer house is getting hot where as in winters home getting very cool. So we need a solution to cool up our complete house rather then a single area. For this need there is a widely used appliances that is Central AC. Central air conditioning system would be improved to be installed in the place of work and at homes than if you have installed a single AC system in every room of the buildings.
Central air conditioning system is take place over old window ac system because old air conditioning system affect only a single room whether central air conditioning system has a vent that is departing to every area in the house, office, or building.

Comfortable zone of Central Air conditioning System

Installing a central air conditioner is more profitable as compared to single unit AC. First of all this is a single investment means you need to install a single system for complete building, no need to install separate air conditioner for each room. Another benefit in Central AC is that there is no noise issue as compared to other single unit air conditioner in which condenser, compressor and evaporator are are placed in a same place where as in central ac these parts are placed in a other unit out side the building as like a Split ac.

Central AC some how work like a split ac but split ac has same issue as window AC both are effective only for a single room while Central Ac provide cooling in complete building.

How to select a Central Air Conditioner?

When you wish to install a central air conditioner in your building or office, or want to renovate a old single unit ac into new one. First of all you need to check SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio).

SEER calculate air conditioning and heat pump cooling efficiency. A high SEER rating means greater energy efficiency and you have save your electric city bill.

Second thing you need to consider the size of air conditioner your building is required. size of central AC measure number of factors of your building like what kind of window you have number of storey and vent for each area of the building.

central air conditioning system looks very modern as compared to old box system. Old window or slit AC found sticking on wall or windows looks very terrible. Central Air conditioning system are more effective. we suggest all to go with Central air conditioning system.

If you have any type of query and assistance regarding any type of you can feel free contact us through our contact us page.
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